
Attic hatch ideal for new construction

The ThermoPro 1642 attic hatch consists of a box made of 5/8'' thick OSB. The 16 '' height allows the blowing of the insulating wool according to the new energy standards. The door is made of ½'' chipboard laminated on 11’’ thick expanded polystyrene. The system of double weatherstrips provide maximum sealing. The removable handle allows to pull the door down.

trappe de grenier

The ideal complement to insulate your new house attic


22’’ x 30’’ x 16’’


Regulatory height rigid frame to retain the blown wool of the attic according to new energy standards.

R-42 insulation complies with current requirements.

Stable polystyrene insulation that does not absorb water.

Regulatory dimensions that help to install the attic hatches between trusses.

Meets the new "energy efficiency" standards of the RBQ building code.

Insulating value

Polystyrene R42

EPS is environmentally friendly and provides an insulation value of R42.

Insulated foam tape

16’’ height rigid frame

Allows the blowing of wool according to new insulation standards for new homes.

Frame finish

Double weatherstrips system (Lateral Air Lock)

Provides a tight seal.

Frame finish

Removable handle

Lets pull the door down

We cannot do without it


Whether you are an Architect, a Contractor or a Building Centre, we offer you a personalized service to meet all of your technical need. We also offer staff training. Documentation, display and fact sheets are always available to help you better inform your customers.

Contact info

34 Ch. des Fabriques,
L’Ange Gardien,
Québec (Canada)
J8L 0A9

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